Nick & David Last First Meeting

How do we engage when we meet and talk about the complex and complicated issues we face?

Cordial World Project Overview

Brief Summary of the key discussion points in the meeting:

The meeting participants discussed their approaches to social and economic transformation, with a focus on creating new paradigms and coordinating change-making efforts. 01:16 David described his work on developing a platform for enabling social engagement and value tracking through a virtual currency system. 01:14:02 Nick shared his personal journey towards finding more fulfilling work and his current involvement in the Cordial World project, which aims to connect people around their values and create new economic models. 13:22

They acknowledged the challenges of overcoming established systems and structures that maintain the status quo, and the importance of nurturing collective efforts and aligning diverse change-makers. 31:30 David emphasized the need to focus on practical actions that can generate tangible results, rather than just theoretical discussions. 01:04:11

The participants discussed the potential of using a virtual currency system and value-tracking mechanisms to facilitate social coordination and accountability, while acknowledging the complexity of such an approach. 01:19:25 They agreed to further explore opportunities for collaboration and to meet in person to continue the dialogue. 01:10:17

Full transcript : Full video : Nick’s Cordial World Project Overview

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