Here’s a Last-First Meet between Gavin & David where we focus on Gavin’s work with MidJourney and reframe it within rEd’s focus on the listener. Watch the intro video or Gavin’s content, then listen to the whole conversation below to see how we can transform the medium of loud marketplace to quiet relational-sharing space to help share everything we do of value.
Gavin is sharing their skills with MidJourney.
If this is for you, get in touch with Gavin: LinkedIn
If you think of someone who might be interested, share this forward by hitting the big green button below.
If it leads to a contract for Gavin, we will reward the chain between Gavin and you with £100 split equally to everyone in the chain.
If this is the kind of thing you want to produce, for yourself or your team, get in touch with Gavin.
If you would like your content shared in this way, get in touch with David: LinkedIn or thank via Sqale.
How Does Sqale Work?
Money is converted into Credits on Sqale. You can’t use Credits to buy anything. Use Credits to share what you value.
Because the Product Card is Locked, all Credits added for Sharing or Support go to Matt Damon’s water-org.
Share forward, and when enough has been shared and supported, we can approach Matt Damon and he can click a button and receive all the credits/money in order to fund water projects across the world.
Use Sqale to share anything you value whether it is charity work, music, films, games, anything — share what you value with people you value.
Summary & Full Discussion
David begins by reframing the conversation to focus on the importance of the listeners, rather than the speakers. 01:14 He emphasizes that the people who share the recording forward are the ones who find it valuable, and that this should guide the discussion. 01:56
Gavin then describes his business, which includes creating Photoshop plugins and using the AI tool Midjourney to create images for clients. 02:38 He explains that he provides training webinars to teach others how to use Midjourney effectively, charging £995 for a 2-hour session for up to 10 people. 10:41
David suggests that they could incentivize people to share the recording forward by offering a £100 reward to anyone who introduces a new client. 13:50 He also proposes that they could offer a free 5-minute video introduction to Midjourney as a starting point, before offering the paid training. 14:48
Gavin clarifies that he and a female Midjourney expert would be providing the training, combining their expertise. 12:21
In his final remarks, David emphasizes the importance of building trust-based relationships and sharing knowledge, rather than just selling services. 20:13 He suggests that they could explore creating a “viral” video to help spread awareness of their offering. 22:59
Full Video Discussion here & transcript here.